MSP-EXP430F5529 USB Experimenter’s Board for HALF price!

TIDeals is offering 50% discount on MSP-EXP430F5529 USB Experimenter’s Board (Normally, it’s $149, and $74.50 after discount), and that includes free international shipping too.
From MSP-EXP430F5529 Experimenter Board User’s Guide,
“The MSP-EXP430F5529 Experimenter Board is a development platform based on the MSP430F5529 with integrated USB. The Experimenter Board showcases the abilities of the latest family of MSP430s and is perfect for learning and developing USB-based applications using the MSP430. The features include a 102×64 dot-matrix LCD, microSD memory card interface, 3-axis accelerometer, five capacitive-touch pads, RF EVM expansion headers, nine LEDs, an analog thumb-wheel, easy access to spare F5529 pins, integrated Spy-Bi-Wire flash emulation module, and standard full JTAG pin access. The kit is pre-programmed with an out-of-box demo to immediately demonstrate the capabilities of the MSP430 and Experimenter Board.”
Although the on-board processor has 128 KB of Flash program memory, the free version of Texas Instruments’ Code Composer Studio (CCS) limits you to compile code up to 16KB only.